Parthenon Software Group


Viewing posts for the category Techniques

Great Project Management

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 11 years, 3 months ago

Project management best practices remind us that if we successfully initiate, plan, execute and close out all our projects, our metrics will illustrate greater results. While such a statement highlights the end goal, there’s much more to project management than simple methodology.

Social CRM

Posted by: Jessica Wilson 11 years, 4 months ago

Social media has become a major part of the world as we know it. Some people can’t even go a few minutes without “checking in”, tweeting, etc. While this can get a little annoying, social media is a powerful tool for social interaction. As mentioned in our Client Interaction blog, social media can help with gaining and maintaining your clients. This particular trait is targeted by one of the newest sales & marketing tools, the Social CRM.

Coaching a Winning Project

Posted by: Olesya Wilson 11 years, 5 months ago

Project management is an important part of any company, regardless of the type, source or outcome. There's a lot to do, and time is always limited. Any project is a short-term action that has a timeframe and seldom lasts for longer than two years. It stands to reason that project managers must make the most of what have to work with. If you look at it in terms of sports, the role of a project manager is very much like that of a soccer coach.  They are given a team to shape into an effective force with rules to follow and limited resources. Everyone would like a dream team, but the best coach is one who can make champions.

Leadership and motivating Project Management skills

Posted by: Olesya Wilson 11 years, 5 months ago

The skills required of a successful project manager come from every discipline. From accounting to strategic planning, supervision, and personnel administration, some skills are more basic while others are more technical. The combination of these skill sets is ultimately what can propel a project toward success. From effective communication, problem solving, strong leadership and negotiation there are number of ways these such skills will aid in successful project management.



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